Friends and members of epiStoa

Everybody sharing the goals of epiStoa is highly welcome to join!
Students and teachers in the fields of philosophy, Latin, Greek, history or politics are particularly welcome.

There are three ways of joining epiStoa: 

A. Friends of epiStoa
This is the way to be in touch with epiStoa without any obligation.
You'll just be informed about epiStoa activities once a year.
To become a "friend of epiStoa", please send an e-mail to and put "subscribe" into the subject line.

You may unsubscribe at any time by putting "unsubscribe" into the subject line.

B. The club of the epiStoa community
If you wish
- to receive the epiStoa newsletter,
- to receive the epiStoa calendar for free, and
- to help epiStoa with €10,-/y,  click here to join the club.

C. The epiStoa association:
If you rather wish to get actively involved in epiStoa projects and have a classical language background, click here to join the epiStoa association or send an e-mail to