Guidelines - How to make a calendar page
for making an epiStoa calendar page
1. General goal
A calendar page should make clear that Latin and/or Greek
- can greatly facilitate the apprehension and comprehension of many terms and concepts
- are very useful for studying most scientific fields
It should elucidate a link between a present-day notion or topic on the one hand and the ancient languages on the other, for example the presence of Latin and ancient Greek in modern, commonly used terms in European languages or in the science terminology, specially physics, chemistry, medicine, laws, politics or economics.
Ideal notions or topics are commonly used in everyday life, but, at second glance, not well understood without an ancient language background.
2. The four steps of making a page
a. Identify a suited topic (Does knowledge of G&L help to intuitively understand the topic? Is that understanding useful? )
b. find one or more telling, eye-catching, and beautiful images (resolution: 300 dpi) (view example)
(the image(s) must be in the public-domain, not underlying any copy right restrictions)
c. concisely explain topic and image (view example)
d. briefly indicate the Latin or Greek roots of the terms used (view example)
place these explanations in the legend rather than in the main text (see calendar pages for the adequate syntax)
3. Format and design ( compare existing epiStoa calendar pages )
Every proposal must fit into an area of 200 mm (width) and 145 mm (height).
This area may contain one or more pictures along with an explanatory text. With one figure, the text must not exceed 500 characters.
For the text, please use a font similar to EB Garamond, Liberation serif, or TimesRoman serif, font size 12.
Please leave free the Header as well as the calendar's week field (lower third of every page).
The more images you include, the more self-explanatory must they be, since there is correspondingly less space available for text blocks.
Avoid to overload a page with text and please leave enough space for the second language!
Final check: Download these calendar page templates. Please make sure your image and text blocks do not exceed the spaces available.
4. Submission
Proposals may be submitted at any time!
In case there are too many, they will be considered for the following year.
Please submit at least (i) title and (ii) text blocks in your mother tongue as well as (iii) images (jpeg or png, min. 150 dpi) along with a sketch/pdf indicating the overall arrangement.
Please do NOT care about the translations into the other languages, just don't write into the space reserved for the second language;
and please do NOT care about the lower third of the page, i.e., the calendar weeks, days, ect.
The final print versions of every calendar sheet will be streamlined by epiStoa and Atticus. Authors do not need to care about exact formatting or translations.
The twelve most convincing submissions will appear on next year's calendar.
Proposals that can not be accommodated may be shifted to the next year, maybe in an updated or modifiied version.